YCARS Representing POTA Plaque Weekend Event.
This weekend’s ham radio bandwidth was full of POTA activators and hunters alike. Pile-ups galore as each operator tried to get as many QSOs as possible. I’m sort of a newbie when it comes to Ham Radio, first licensed in 2019 and got my Extra ticket about 6 months ago. Being part of a club, and specifically YCARS has been a healing moment of my life. A prior Cryptologic Technician in the Navy where I used modified HAM Radio equipment to collect and break HF codes and such. This hobby has helped me bring that comfortable feeling I had with my job in the Navy to the present. That said. Ham Radio is a great hobby for anyone into STEAM, (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts and Math). Ham Radio really encompasses all of it.
73 and 88,
K4HEF - Hef as I’m called. Cheers.