What is Ham Radio?
The video above aired on SC public TV in September 2018.
YCARS in action!
If you are interested in getting involved with ham radio,
YCARS can help!
Becoming an Amateur Radio Operator
So… you said I have to study. Does that mean I can’t just buy a radio and start talking? That is correct. To transmit as a Ham Radio Operator, you need to be licensed by the FCC. There are three levels of licensing: Technician / General / Amateur Extra
Here is a good article by the ARRL on the three levels: Why Should I Get Licensed
How hard is the test? With a little study using some great tools available online, you will have no problem passing your Technician Exam. The exam consists of 35 multiple choice questions. You need to answer 26 questions correctly (74%) to pass. Easy!
Here are some links to phone apps that many use to study. The apps make sure you have seen all the questions, and are answering them correctly. Then you can take as many practice tests as you want. Once you are consistently passing the practice tests with scores of 80% or higher, you will have no problem passing the exam.
Study Apps
If you prefer to read, there are books available from the ARRL or Amazon
Technician Class: Pass Your Amateur Radio Technician Class Test - Craig Buck
Gordon West Technician Class - Gordon West
Everyone learns differently, so choose the method that works for you. When I was licensed in 2022, I did all my studying using the Study Apps on my phone. I did this for all three levels.
YCARS also has an Open House every Wednesday night from 6-8 PM. We don’t have a formal class, but you can come and chat with other Hams who can offer good advice on the process!
Once you are ready to take the exam, you can do that with us also! YCARS holds testing sessions every other month. See the schedule here. The cost to take the exam is $14. Once you pass, the FCC will have a fee of $35 to get your license - which is good for 10 years.
Once you are licensed, then the real fun begins! Radios, antenna’s, making contacts, learning operating skills, and more.
And remember, when all else fails, ham radio still works.
If you have questions, come to an Open House, or email us at ycars@ycars.org.